Sunday, 5 April 2009


Saturday evening was my first performance as a member of The Practice Choir. Faithful blog readers will recall that I joined the choir in January. The performance was at Old St Paul's Church. It was a fun performance, and from the audience member that I asked (Alette), it was quite a good show. Despite only being an amateur choir, it's amazing how a strong sound can come together with a group after 3 months of practice. And as I noted previously, many members have been in the choir for several decades. I know that I regularly aligned my pitch to more experienced members around me.

What helped as well was the addition of an orchestra and soloists for the performance; our rehearsals were only with the choir, until the rehearsal the day of the performance As noted by Alette, having the orchestra and solists added some variety, as well as some professionalism to the performance.

Unfortunately, we've been terribly forgetful about bringing our camera when we go out, so no pictures this time. Too bad too since I had to buy a new, white dress shirt for the performance.

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