Monday, 26 January 2009

Bring on the Pipes!

On Saturday, I went to Celtic Connections in Glasgow to see The Annual Piping Concert with the Strathclyde Police Pipe Band and Bagad Cap Caval. Celtic Connections is an annual Scottish festival (held in Glasgow) celebrating Scottish Celtic music. All Scottish festivals will be a little grander this year due to celebrations for the 250th anniversary of the birth of Rabbie Burns, and as well Scottish Homecoming.

It was a good concert, though while I admit being a fan of the pipes, two hours of traditional bagpipe music can be a little tiring, and loud (especially with 20 pipers on stage). This was specifically the case with the Strathclyde Police Pipe Band - they were very good performers, though it was a little like watching a high school marching band. However, I was impressed by Bagad Cap Caval (some info in English). Hailing from Breton in France, they brought a younger, hipper performance to the stage. Yes, you heard right, younger, hipper bag piping. The music seemed to have a Persian influence as well which made it more interesting.

As for Celtic Connections, I hope to make it back to Glasgow (only a 45-minute train ride), but only if Alette and I can find room in our calendars!

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