Today, Alette and I participated in the annual garden clean-up for our block. It mostly involved random pruning and much raking of leaves. In the picture, I'm hauling a large bag of leaves with our neighbour Martin helping out.
The whole event included some soup and sandwiches at the start, and ended with a few bottles of wine by the bonfire built in the composting area for the garden. You might be able to make out the wafting smoke from the fire in the left part of the photo.
It was rather interesting to have a large bonfire in the middle of the city. It was very well controlled, and was built in a rather secluded part of the garden, but Alette and I were a little concerned about the wind-blown embers igniting some other trees. But it seems that the wetter climate provides some natural protection so that the locals weren't too concerned. It's a general rule to make the local fire hall aware when you're building such a big fire, but I think that's mostly so they can deal with others that might phone after seeing the smoke.
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